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Peter R

I have had consistent sharp pain in my shoulder for about 30 years. When I went to reach for something, a jabbing pain would shoot in my shoulder. While I was in the EE system, I felt a nagging pain in that shoulder. I was only in the system for one, 2 hour session, and after I left, I noticed the pain had gone away. In fact, the pain has never returned and I now I have no problem using that shoulder! Astonishing!

Marj T

I had undergone 20 hours of radiation on my neck for cancer and as a result, had lost my sense of taste and smell for about 5 years and the Doctors had stated that it would return. After my first session of 2 hours at the EE centre, my taste was completely restored the next day and some ability to smell.

Invanka A

I was diagnosed with stage 3 triple negative invasive carcenoma breast cancer in July '23. I started chemo to shrink the tumour intending on a double mastectomy. The side effects were debilitating causing me to be on pain killers and anti depressants. I discovered Infinite Vitality EE system. After my first 25 hours, my pain vanished and my mental well being was restored allowing me to stop all my pain/depression medication. I continued chemo and spent another 40 hours in the EE system. As of May '24 my tumour is gone no longer requiring a double mastectomy! I urge anyone experiencing any discomfort to try an EE system. I cannot express how grateful I am to Infinite Vitality EE Centre.

Gary Carley

Hi my name is Gary Carley i am 65 years young and have been in construction for 40 plus years so I am no stranger to manual labour, in 2018 I was derigging some lifting gear when I simply under handedly threw a 17t capacity shackle up onto the back of a semitrailer I completely tore the ligament of the bone of my shoulder and had to have surgery to reattach ligaments the surgery was a success, but ever since I have carried considerable pain in my shoulder with no relief and had to resort to medication which never worked, one two hour treatment and the pain is gone

Rick B

I am 69 years of age. After about 48 hours/8 weeks in the EE system, I experienced a marked reduction in pain from arthritis in my feet and neck as well as my right hand I had injured years ago has no more pain. I used to have numbness and tingling from my hand going to sleep but that has diminished. I suffered from cold sores on the corners of my mouth. Now they are gone! I breathe much deeper, my sciatic nerve pain has disappeared, and my Dr reports my enlarged prostrate is improved in addition to my blood pressure reduction! I have reduced my medication to a quarter of the amount I was taking of two drugs. My digestion is better also and I feel so much better all around!

Andrea Smith

Back in the early spring I was clearing out the garden and either got poison ivy or the old tomato plants oil got my skin. It was gnarly. I still have thr marks and after showers they are brighter. But after my shower post EEsystem they barely show up. I noticed it after the first session but assumed they’d just gotten better. After my second session in the EE they are barely visible! Incredible! Looking forward to continued sessions!

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